About Us


The University needs to focused reference to the crucial dependence of quality ensured delivery of education to continuous knowledge up-gradation, capacity building and motivation of teachers for accepting challenges arising from new research and advancement in technology and recent trends of breaking barriers of subject related to science and technology.

Thus, university recognized the urgent need for the creating effective systems to provide opportunities for profession and career development of teachers, necessary for quality education and research so that they are well equipped and motivated to accept new challenges emerging form growth of new technologies, knowledge, international competitiveness and changing requirements of learners, especially in the institutions of higher education. Therefore, it was proposed to enhance their motivation skills and knowledge through systematic orientation in specific subjects, techniques and methodologies, and thereby inculcate in them the right kind of values that would in turn encourage them to take initiatives for innovative and creative work.

At present there are 66 Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) established by UGC in different universities over a period of time since 1986. Therefore, a Human Resource Development Centre has been established at Delhi Technological University.



The functions of Human Resource Development Centre are to plan, organize, implement, monitor and evaluate orientation courses for newly appointed university faculties. HRDC also organizes refresher courses for serving teachers, and orientation programmes for senior administrators and heads of departments, faculties and non-teaching staff etc. Specifically, the main functions of the HRDC are to:

  • Formulate a programme of orientation along the broad guidelines given above.
  • Identify resource persons in various fields of specialization for running the orientation programmes and refresher courses, and familiarize such resource persons with the philosophy and guidelines for the courses.
  • Set up a documentation-Centre-cum-library for reference and source materials necessary for the courses.
  • Produce specially designed material required for effective implementation of the courses. Organize, monitor and evaluate the courses for teachers.
  • Create a culture of learning and self-improvement among teachers so that it becomes an integral part of the educational system at the tertiary level.
  • Organize orientation programmes for senior administrators, heads of departments, principals, deans and other decision-makers to familiarize them with the philosophy of orientation intended to facilitate reform in higher education through appropriate modification of the management systems at various levels.
  • Provide opportunities for teachers in service to exchange experience with their peers and to mutually learn from each other.
  • Provide a forum for serving teachers to keep themselves abreast of the latest advances in various subjects.
  • Provide opportunities to further widen their knowledge and to pursue research studies.
  • Provide an introduction to new methods and innovations in higher education so that the participants can in turn develop their own innovative methods of instruction.
  • Bring out publications relevant for enhancing the teaching and research capabilities of teachers. Conduct capability enhancement programmes for non-academic staff so as to strengthen the teaching-learning environment.

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    Refresher Courses




    Orientation Programs


    Short-Term Courses